Understanding Acne: Causes, Effects & Solutions
Baelified Journal

Understanding Acne: Causes, Effects & Solutions

Understanding Acne

Acne? Yeah, we're not dropping a new concept here. It's like that popular kid at school – everyone knows about it because guess what? Millions of us are dealing with it in our own unique ways every single day. Acne's got quite the range and can put anyone on its radar- people hitting puberty (basically, in their teens), adulting men, and menstruating women.

About 4 of every 5 people between the ages of 11 and 30 get breakouts at some point in time. So, no partiality here. It can be as frequent or rare, determined by a number of factors. And guess what? It's not just a face thing. Acne can throw a party anywhere – face, chest, back, shoulders, you name it!

We know how these tiny bumps on your skin can ruin your day, mood, or your favourite vacation (which it shouldn't, meh). So, let’s break down the acne in detail and save your day, without boring you.

Alright, let's dive into different types of acne on your face and see what makes each one stand out. Ready to play spot the difference? To start with, let’s talk about types of acne on face and how they're distinct from each other.

  1. Whiteheads: Shy pimples hiding under the skin, waiting for their moment to shine.
  2. Blackheads: Open-air pimples, proud to show their true colour (mostly black).
  3. Papules: Tiny pink bumps, getting ready to make a big splash.
  4. Pustules or Pimples: White or yellow pus-filled pimples, like little volcanoes of sebum.
  5. Nodules: Deep-seated, painful pimples, the stubborn siblings of the acne family.

Sneaky Causes of Acne

You know your skin has got a lot of pores. When the dirt, oil, or dead skin settles down and stays on your skin for too long, your pores get clogged. That’s how you get pimples, breakouts, and acne.

Here are some more factors (you can’t ignore) that literally trigger your acne:

  1. Hormonal Imbalance: A lot of teenagers go through a series of hormonal changes (rising androgen) when they hit puberty. Mixed emotions roll out of them and acne accompanies that!
  2. Family History: Sometimes acne is passed on to generations. So, if both of your parents have acne, you’re likely to get some.
  3. Stress: We’re all overwhelmed by stress in our everyday lives. Stress increases cortisol levels, which increases your skin's oil production and ends up giving you breakouts.
  4. Diet: High sugar consumption and eating processed foods can give you a spike of energy, but acne too. Don’t be sweet & soft towards them!

Acne: Not Just a Skin Thing, Let's Get Real About It

Acne may affect you more than your skin. It may also touch every part of you - physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Let's dive into how.

  1. Physical Appearance: Acne gives you scars that make your skin look dull and unhealthy. You either look at the mirror all the time or you don't look at it at all.
  2. Inflammation: When your skin's infected with acne, it turns itchy, red, and irritated. It's not the most comfortable feeling.
  3. It's about you: Dealing with acne can be tough, and it's okay to feel that way. It's more than just skin deep – it can make you feel self-conscious and hesitant about stepping into new social situations, worried about what others might think. Remember, you're not alone in seeking a bit of reassurance now and then. We all have those moments where our confidence takes a dip. But here's the fun part: every step you take towards embracing yourself, acne and all, is a step towards a happier, more confident you. You're more than your skin, and you've got this!

What can be done?

Unless your dermatologist has recommended a specific treatment (and let's face it, they know their stuff), here are some easily accessible and effective over-the-counter solutions to help combat acne:

  1. Salicylic Acid: Mild acne can be treated by OTC (over-the-counter) remedies that contain active ingredients like Salicylic acid. Being a beta-hydroxy acid, salicylic acid treats your acne by unblocking your clogged pores. So, you can definitely try a Salicylic acid face wash or serum, which works smartly to help your skin get freedom from acne.

    Pro Tip: If Salicylic acid is what your skin needs, Bayla's Watermelon Foaming Face Wash might be the right fit, as it not only fights acne but also black & white heads while cleansing your pores.
  2. Retinoids: Topical retinoids are a class of vitamin A derivatives that have been proven to be effective in treating acne. They work by speeding up the turnover of skin cells, which helps unclog pores and reduce inflammation. Visit a doctor to know your perfect dosage and say bye-bye to acne.
  3. Gentle Wash: Splash your face with water at least twice a day. Choose gentle cleansers that remove the dirt and oil from your skin without stripping off its natural oils.
  4. Wholesome Diet: Healthy isn't old-fashion. Don't be afraid to include some fresh fruits, green veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins in your everyday meals. Give your skin the power of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to fight back acne.
  5. Cut back on junk: Refined and processed foods do no good to your health and skin. So, make sure you say a big no to those junkie munchies!
  6. Know when to see a doc: If your acne becomes severe and you find no way to control it, don't shy away from visiting a dermatologist.

Bonus Tips:

  1. Avoid touching your face for no reason.
  2. Popping, picking, and squeezing the pimples is never a solution!
  3. Go with a 'no makeup look' to your bed.
  4. Don't be harsh on your skin whenever you're scrubbing or exfoliating it.
  5. Oil-free moisturizer is now your BFF if your skin has already befriended oil.

Signing Off

Acne is a common skin affair. Everyone faces acne at least once in their life. One pimple on your skin is not a big deal. There are hundreds of ways, methods, and strategies to knock off acne. All that your skin needs from you is time. And skincare gives you some time to care for your skin. Give your skin the sense of love, care, and attention it deserves. Let your skin be happy and shine every time. Remember, acne cannot take your shine.

Keep your skin open for compliments and close for breakouts. Prepare your skin for all the challenges and help it combat them whenever acne comes. You are beautiful, strong, confident, and enough today. Do not lose it because of your skin. We hope we won the war against acne, at least in our minds today. Yet we're ready for the fight, the very next moment. Keep yourselves #baelified!


Q: What causes acne?

A: All acne is caused by clogged hair follicles or pores. Certain glands empty themselves into the hair follicles or pores. When an excess of that material accumulates in these pores, they get clogged, giving you acne.

Q:  Who is most likely to get acne?

A: Teens, young adults, and menstruating women are the ones most likely to get acne. The majority of that is attributed to hormonal imbalances that individuals generally experience during those time periods. However, at times, experiencing acne can also be linked to genetic history.

Q: What ingredients should I look for in a face wash for acne?

A: Well, there are many ingredients out there. Look for a face wash that carries actives like salicylic acid, lactic acid, and glycolic acid, combined with other powerful ingredients. A Salicylic acid face wash opens up your clogged skin pores and makes sure that future breakouts don't happen at all.

Q: Can I use a face wash with salicylic acid every day?

A: Yes! You can definitely use a salicylic acid face wash every day, especially if you're trying to fight acne. Plus, if it's loaded with fruit extracts, it can provide you with the best face wash for acne and pimples.

1 comment

  • Ayush Maurya
    Nov 30, 2023 at 23:52

    For my acne loving skin I use benzoyl peroxide 5% solution gel wash and it works fine otherwise my face is a guava with red dots without it


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